Professor Wardle to present Plenary at Composiforum, 18 June 2018

Professor Brian Wardle is confirmed as one of the Composiforum 2018 select few key note speakers!

To be hosted at Zaragoza, COMPOSIFORUM 2018 is the second industrial forum about composite and its applications, organised by the Aitiip Chair of University of Zaragoza. In this second edition key note speakers will attend, along with top enterprises like Acciona Infraestructuras, IDEC, Airbus, MTorres, MIT, National Center for Composites (UK), FIDAMC, CDTI, Aitiip Centro Tecnológic and more.

On June 18TH 2018, Universidad de Zaragoza Paraninfo will host the new edition of Composiforum 2018, the International Forum on Composites Materials.