Professor Wardle to present Keynote at ICCE-26, 16 July 2018

Professor Brian Wardle is confirmed as a Keynote lecturer at ICCE-26!   The ICCE conference is unique in that while it is an engineering conference, it has attracted numerous chemists, physicists and scientists from diverse fields in our efforts to promote interdisciplinary research on composites. Of particular concern is the challenge for materials engineers to understand the wide diversity of length scales ranging from nano to micro to macro and full scale and to question the validity of the theories or models which are known to be valid only in certain length scales. The ICCE is among the first composite materials conferences which take a leading vital role to bridge the gap between nano-chemistry and nano-engineering, and attracted hundreds of papers in this existing relatively new field of nano-composites engineering.

The ICCE conference will provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas in virtually all areas of composite materials research.